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A Few Ocean Sounds

Well, yet another thing I am not good at updating, so I thought I would start this evening with the newest things I am writing/sharing!

The Bus Passed Me

"Shea Heights, St. John's?

is that what you said?

Hell yes I know where that is."

The hill folk are backward

for 19th century Newfoundlanders,

and here it is well into the 21st.

I lit a smoke and took another sip

of an ice cold Budweiser.

I was in the Legends Bar by gate 16C

of the Halifax Airport.

The longest walk I ever had in my life

was when I missed the bus

over on New Gower Street by the park

and had to climb that hill

for two miles to see my girlfriend.

You wouldn't believe

how many different ways

they have to say

"bugger off Yank,"

after stopping to ask if

you need a ride!

I must have leaned against

the big codfish

painted on the cement wall

for an hour catching my breath

and lamenting hateful folks.

I realized my Boston Bruins

jersey was causing trouble

in the middle of

Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey country.

Maybe that's why the driver

looked at me and waved

as the bus passed me.

"Shea Heights, St. John's?

I believe that is another place

I will never go again

of my own free will.

Too cold. Too many memories.

The Icy North

96 degrees in the shade yesterday,

today thunderstorms and cold

hid the sun when I greeted the day.

The calendar says summer bold,

but it feels like fall is on the way,

and winter's gales will soon unfold.

It is 55 degrees on a chilly morning,

maybe too cold for the birds to sing.

The King’s Cross And The Jack

Flowers at King's Cross,

the Union Jack's hung low.

Innocents have paid the cost.

Flowers at King's Cross,

a nation mourns those lost.

The seeds of sadness grow.

Flowers at King's Cross,

The Union Jack's hung low.

The Old Door

The creaky old wooden door

sticking at the bottom from warpage

stands open revealing much more

than a room worn with age.

Creaking floors trod by generations,

the number of feet, hard to gauge.

Numerous daughters and sons

have walked across it like a stage.

"Skreeeek" the door opens again

and two children wander out

from a once again inhabited domain.

This house is a home no doubt!

The creaky old wooden door

stands in sadness, no more.

Time Enough To Wander

Steadfast and always onward

no time to explore or dawdle

I rammed my way through life.

No slow flower smelling days

or pauses upon crooked lane.

I rammed my way through life.

Trying to beat the ticking clock,

I ran through wing-footed days,

always a step ahead of disaster.

Days and weeks flew swiftly,

not a moment of fun to be had,

always a step ahead of disaster.

One day I saw your beautiful face;

stumbled my feet, skipped my heart.

Now I've time enough to wander.

Hand and hand we stroll along,

flower sniffing, stone skipping.

Now I've time enough to wander.

Torn Apart

I saw a TV show,

not exactly drama

or science,

but intriguing


With cars, trucks,

and finally tanks

two men

tore in half

a phone book.

Yellow cover

and black

printed white pages

finally disintegrated

in a rain of confetti.

I thought of

me and you

love torn apart,

heart decimated

in a rain of hate.

Until I Met You

Never did I see

stars so bright;

walking with thee

on a moonlit night.

I had no expectation

that I would awaken,

and meet all creation

with a smile again.

Never did I know

the skies so blue,

grass green below

until I met you.

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