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Deuteronomy and Exodus In Verse


“We came to a land full of milk and honey.”

Moses said, “I brought the people into this country,

To give to their fathers, as God commanded me.

We came to a land full of milk and honey,

But after they filled themselves to overfull,

They turned to other gods, becoming fat and dull.

serving them; provoking me with Apis, a golden bull.

“We came to a land full of milk and honey.”

When many evils and troubles have made them less,

this song shall testify against them as a witness.

I shall not be forgotten by them nonetheless!

I know the thoughts hidden in their heart and mind,

I brought them into the land where they now find

The promised milk and honey and foods of all kind.

“We came to a land full of milk and honey.”


Exodus Poem

The Lord told Moses: tell Aaron

to take his staff and stretch out his hand

upon all the waters surrounding Egypt’s land.

He made it all turned to blood.

The Lord sent a plague of frogs

And huge swarms of every bug and fly;

He caused all the ox and cattle to die.

He killed horses, mules, camel, oxen, and sheep.

The Lord told Moses to take ashes from a furnace

and toward heaven to sprinkle a handful

in the sight of Pharaoh, stubborn and sinful.

He made boils break out upon man and beast.

The Lord made a grievous hail to fall,

such as was never seen in Egypt before.

Then came locusts, two feet deep or more.

He made them cover the crops!

The Lord brought more punishment to bear,

The darkness fell upon Egypt for three days.

Every firstborn of Egypt, even Pharaoh’s son, dead lays.

He brought these judgements down.

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