Seas Calm And Fine
The seas were calm and fine
as I pushed the starter button
to power up my old boat again.
Slipping off ropes we headed out.
As I pushed the starter button
the way I had done many times
I thought how life followed tides;
a series of highs and lows.
To power up my old boat again,
was to power up my soul.
Running gear and rigging checks,
like blood pressure and pulse.
Slipping off ropes we headed out,
past seagulls on rocks and piers.
Harbor seals play in our wake,
fishing in the channel currents.
In the green fields
where the mowers have gone
the grass lies wilted.
The flowers die
in the hot sun.
I think of them
when you say
you want to go away;
crawl into bed
and never wake.
I find your smile
and blue eyes
hide too much;
tears and fears
and pain,
behind a facade.
Once the grass grew
long and lush
and the flowers
perfumed the air
in springtime.
Once your words
made my mornings
and gave me reason
to awaken
to another day.
Now your sunshine has turned to clouds. Rain as tears roll down your sad face and I know not why. I pray for your smile to return to your face, your heart, your soul, and to me. In the green fields where the mowers have gone my love lies wilted. You are a flower dying in the hot sun.
What About Now
I guess the tears will eventually dry
though they seem in endless supply.
Misty mornings and red-eyed nights,
make me wonder at my future.
I beg for a broken heart's cure,
and a rediscovery of life's delights.
Sadness clouds everything now,
skews my former rosy brow.
I would give all for a smiling mirror,
but the reflection moans in hurt,
my soul feels drug through dirt,
and love's healing is no nearer.
I admit I do tend to dramatize
when life brings tears to my eyes.
Though damaged, my body is alive.
I will throw my hat back into the ring,
and find another new ballad to sing.
This broken heart will still survive.
Upon A Chain Link Fence
A sign hung upon a chain-link fence,
warns us of danger and death within.
A sign hung upon a chain-link fence;
poison, radiation, cancer, your burden hence.
In the name of security we created this sin,
to keep America from taking it on the chin.
A sign hung upon a chain-link fence.