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Ruth 1:22: Naomi Returned

“So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.” - Ruth 1:22 (KJV)

Naomi came back repentant and honest. She has felt that “the Almighty has afflicted me.” But in the coming chapters, it will be shown the Almighty will bless her. If only she could see it!

Now “they came to Bethlehem:” It would have been easy for Naomi to focus on what she had lost. She had lost a husband, two sons, and one daughter-in-law. She had lost all kinds of material possessions. All she had left was one daughter-in-law, Ruth. But through that one thing she had left, God was going to bring unbelievable blessing into her life.

All the good that happens in the future chapters begins her: With Naomi's godly repentance and honesty. It will make a difference not only in her life, but in the life of her daughter-in-law Ruth, and in the destiny of the nation Israel.

Christian brothers and sisters, as it has been since Ruth and Naomi’s day, it is possible for God to accomplish amazing things! If we turn towards Him, not only in our feelings, but also in our actions he will give us everything we need.

God bless!

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