She's getting thread bare, and she's wearin' thin,
But she's in good shape, for the shape she's in...
The singer said you had
Been through the fire before.
He believed you could take
A whole lot more.
I pray to God that is so,
In this time of strife and war.
The wolves are prowling,
Hungry at your door.
God let her stand tall again,
The America I adore.
More than a flag,
On pole, tall to soar
In the evening breeze.
A certain pride she bore,
Telling all life was good
And would be forever more.
America I believe in you,
Deep within my core.
I will stand to defend you
from enemy's cannon roar
and from your own people
who forsake and abhor
the lives lost and sacrificed
for freedoms' galore.
It is true dear lady,
You have faced fire before.
I believe you can take
A whole lot more.
I pray to God that is so,
In this time of strife and war.
Help me keep the wolves
From outside your door.
...She's been through the fire before
and I believe she can take a whole lot more
America, it's your birthday.
May you have many more!
Everywhere, flags fly high.
Right down the center of your Main Streets,
In columns and lines
Come generations of uniformed soldiers
Amassed to honor America's glory.
American Flag
I put on my uniform, said a prayer, wiped away a tear and hoisted my American flag. Watching the colored banner, freedom's symbol snap in the breeze, I saluted with tears streaming down my face. Young and brave, and dirty, scarred and scared firemen hoist their American flag amid melted and twisted steel and death and tears. Day and night, no matter the weather I will fly our American flag. I know it's right to feel this way tears upon my face, as I salute, all the dead and injured and innocence lost who should never have borne this cost.